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 Dartington Village Hall 



  T.A.S.  Programme 2024/25 

Dartington Village Hall


Anna Durnand, a local artist, will be doing a critique on Tuesday 5th March.

Anna was trained at the Slade and has done some stunning work in oils;

she would like us to bring examples of our work along.


Lynda Kettle, a renowned West Country artist has kindly agreed to run this workshop for us on

Saturday the 30th of March at our usual venue Dartington Village Hall, running from 10:00 till 4:00.

Linda, based in East Devon, holds workshops and demonstrations for many West Country Groups,

and her full range of work can be seen on her website:


Our usual workshop format will be modified for the day, allowing those who wish only to attend the demonstration to do so

along with those who choose to do the complete day workshop. Therefore 10:00 to 11:30 for the demonstration and coffee,

with members participating in the full workshop continuing for the rest of the day. We hope that this trial format will suit all our members.    Demonstration cost £5, and the demonstration and full day workshop costing £30.

You can sign up for just the demonstration or the full day workshop as usual on Tuesday mornings or contact Colin on 01803 312332   e-mail  Payments to be made as usual to Keith our treasurer.



Amelia Webster (portrait artist) will be doing a demo in the morning

and then a full workshop on the Saturday13th April .  

Please see her website :  

Materials needed: a.m. session:  pencils, charcoal, eraser, ruler, sketching paper.

p.m. session: materials of your choice, bring easels if you prefer rather than work on tables




Paul Kettle-Buchanan will be doing a demo and workshop on wildlife

painting on Saturday 18th May

 For examples of his work see: Paul Kettle-Buchanan (

Materials needed: pencils, ruler, eraser, charcoal, crayons, coloured pencils, watercolours, pastels, paper to suit above mediums, masking tape and you can bring your own wildlife photographs. 



David Webb watercolour workshop, subject is the river Dart

Saturday, 30th November

David began by doing a demonstration of how he approaches painting.

He uses a 3 stage process of adding a loose wash on wet paper, then further washes of darker areas,

then a final addition of detail.  He demonstrated the use of wet into wet and wet into dry and emphasized

the importance of leaving  unpainted areas  where light is reflected.

Most of us were well out of our comfort zones!

However the workshop was very enjoyable and we all learned useful tips on how to "loosen up." 






A workshop with John Howells focussing on drawing birds using charcoal, (or pencil if you prefer).

John is a photographer and talented artist, based near Exeter.He will be showing us how to depict

movement of birds in flight as well as grouped birds.
10am - 4pm for the full workshop, or come for the demonstration 10am - 11am.

Demonstration £5 - Workshop £30 go to it at the end of the day and I was able to see the

This was a wonderful day on the use of charcoal by John Howells. He showed us how to draw a barn owl with charcoal

and was such a good tutor on how to use colour shapers to blend the charcoal to produce a realistic character.

It was a very interesting and worthwhile day to attend. Pam.

I myself (Alan) was for family reasons unable to attend this workshop but I did go to it at the end of the day and was able to see the

outstanding quality of the work that those members attending had produced.

There were seven owls and a swan any of which I would pleased to hang on my wall.

Alan K. Com Off.






Tuesday 17th March Ann Chester King will join us for a help and guidance session on our work. 

Please bring along 2 pieces for her to see, along with what you are doing on the day.

Ann lives in Totnes, exhibits in ‘Open Studios’ and has an interesting website