Members' Images
If you would like to see images of your paintings displayed on the website
please see below:
- Send up to 6 images
- Crop images to cut off unwanted edges
- Reduce image size to between 500 and 600 pixels
- If you have your own website, send in the address if you would like your images linked to your site
Send to
We respectfully remind members that all exhibited work, offered for sale or published on the website
should not infringe copyright and must:
1. Be your own original work.
2. Not be copies of an artists or photographers work passed off as your own, unless crediting the originating artist
for example: Summer Days, by Fred Bloggs, in the style of (or after a painting by) A.N. Artist
As a point of interest, as an artist, you retain copyright to your own artwork throughout your lifetime and for 70 years after death.