Totnes Boating Association Clubhouse Steamer Quay TotnesSATURDAY 12TH JANUARY 201312 FOR 12.30Bring a plate of food to share after the meetingLatest NEWSLETTERTOTNES ART SOCIETY NEWSLETTER-Autumn/Winter 2011
Newsletter by Email. This edition comes to you via email for the first time. We have made this change in order to save the cost of postage. Those who do not have email will receive the copy by post as usual. If you find you can arrange email at a later date we would be pleased to have your address.
The Summer Exhibition. This summer the annual exhibition turned out to be a great success. 36 artists entered work and 78 paintings were hung with 13 of these sold. The Society made a profit of £300 to swell our funds - as they say, every little helps. Cherry Lyons won the prize for the best first time exhibitor and Jeanne Girling won the public’s vote for their favourite painting. The Committee have decided that next year, if there is a next year, all the usual prizes will be re-instated.
The AGM This will be held at the Boathouse on Saturday, Jan. 21st. 2012. Come at noon for a 12.30 start and bring a plate of something to share during the Dutch lunch which will start at about 1.00pm. The bar will be open if you would like a drink. This meeting is critical for the continuance of the Society because we are short of two key officers- a Chairperson and an Exhibitions team leader.(hence my remark above.) If we do not fill these posts it is possible that the Society may have to fold. Out of the 83 members we have, it should be possible to fill these posts so please consider joining our band of organisers. There is a voting form at the end of this newsletter for you to propose a new Chairperson. THIS MATTER IS URGENT.
New Leaflet. You will notice that along with this Newsletter there is a newly laid out leaflet for you to print out. This will be sent by post to non-email members as usual and copies can be found in Harberton Arts, among other outlets. It contains, as you can see, the same information as the last but in an easier-to-read format. Demonstration and Workshopsare listed with dates and prices. A fuller description of tutors and titles
can be found on a separate sheet below. Assuming we do not have to dissolve the Society we have a full and interesting programme to look forward to. However, may I draw your attention to the fact that there will be no September demonstration next year? Many people choose to take their holiday in this month and attendance at this demo. drops to an unsustainable level.
Membership Renewal. Well, we are optimists, so have included the form for the renewal of membership which you can fill in after the AGM if all goes well.
The Website. Just to remind you all about our website. This contains a mine of information, including this Newsletter and the programme and some work by members. For those with new pictures they would like to put on the website we are planning a photographic session on Tuesday, 17th January at the Group Painting morning when Alan Knight will be doing his stuff with the camera. He will photograph your work and send it and the details direct to the website. Those choosing to upload their own pics (at 800x800dpi) can contact Denise Orchard on 01803 862471 or
Art at the Cott Inn, Dartington This was another experiment for us. Twelve paintings were chosen for display and though no doubt enjoyed by the punters none felt inclined to divert drinking money to supporting local artists. We shall look for a more fruitful venue.
Devon Open Studios Your committee is proposing that the Society participates in Devon Open Studios next September as a ‘large group’. We have reserved five days at the Totnes Boating Club for the exhibition, from Monday 10th – Friday 15th September. It will be possible to erect 6’ x 3’ screens by late Sunday afternoon and artists will each be allocated their own screen to hang their work and perhaps have a Private View on the Sunday evening from 6.0 pm.
Participating in Devon Open Studios itself will bring us much publicity, especially in their brochure. Members of the Boat Club should be very interested and we are in an excellent position to attract tourists from the steamers.
It is proposed that the Society will pay the entry fee to Devon Open Studios up front but we calculate the Exhibition will eventually pay for itself and be of no cost to the Society We hope 30 members will be able to exhibit so it will be a question of first come first served if more are interested. If less, second boards will be made available. The participation fee for members will be £15 per board; two half days of stewarding will be required. The usual 25% will be applied to sales. Everyone exhibiting will be expected to help out in any way needed – this is a co-operative event! If you have any comments or reservations about the Society taking this step, do please contact me and let me know your feelings. If you would like to ensure you are reserved a place, please send me a cheque for £15 for ‘Totnes Art Society’ (which will not be cashed until March) together with your name address and phone number. And put the dates in your new diary! June Posey, 20 Borough Park Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5XW Tel: 01803 868121
Frigiliana Painting Holiday I reported on the very successful visit last February to Frigiliana on the Costa del Sol. We rented a village house for two weeks, going out sketching and painting in the picturesque village during the morning and gathering for lunch outside in the sunshine nearly every day. Some days we took walks in the National Park. It was one of the best holidays of my life! And well under £650 for the two weeks, including absolutely everything! We are going again, this time leaving 23rd February 2012. Two houses have already been rented and we hope to share taxis, activities and joint meals. If you are interested in coming too, do ring me for more details. You can get more information about Frigiliana and renting a flat very easily on the Web. June Posey
Christmas Social Come and join us for a members’ pre-Christmas get-together on December 12th in the afternoon from 2.30 until 4.30pm. This will not be a demonstration but a chance to socialize. We are planning some entertainment to make the afternoon go with a swing and will have coffee and biscuits as usual as well as some mince pies and mulled wine. Bring a small gift to the value of £1.00 wrapped and ready for the prize dip. See you there!
A Message From The Chair
No Festive mood this December! I have to stand down as chair after three years in the post and we HAVE NOBODY PREPARED TO STAND AS CHAIRPERSON as from the AGM next January. Although I have had a very enjoyable and active time, it is only necessary to chair the six committee meetings a year and leave the work to committee members. If you could be interested in helping the Society in this way, or know someone who could be encouraged to stand forward, please contact me URGENTLY.
Almost worse is our lack of an Exhibition Officer which may lead to the ANNUAL EXHIBITION BEING CANCELLED. The committee has decided that there must be one person prepared to take charge of directing the Annual Exhibition and without this, NO EXHIBITION! Five members are standing ready to help with the work, but A LEADER IS NEEDED. Do you want the Society to continue? Do you want us to have an Annual Exhibition? Please step forward! June Posey (Chair) 01803 868121
Cut out and send to the Secretary, Elizabeth Evans 7 North Street, Totnes TQ9 5NZ ...............................................................................
At the Annual General Meeting of the Totnes Art Society on Saturday, 21st January,
I propose the following person for the position of Chairperson(Please ask them first)
Proposed by______________________________ .................................................................................... |